If you're logged in to TiM and you don't see the Project you're looking for under "My Productions," try the following:
Confirm that your current email address is listed in your TiM Account Settings.
- Make sure that your Account Settings are up-to-date with your current email address.
- If the Invite was sent to an email that is not listed in your Account Settings, first update your Account Settings with all the email addresses you use. Then, ask your Production Contact to resend your Invite.
- If your invited email is listed as an Alternate Email Address, ask your Production Contact to resend your Invite.
- When updating your Primary Email, if you receive an error message that your email address is already in use in another account, Contact TiM Support so that we can assist in updating your Primary Email Address.
Confirm that the Invite was sent to the correct email address.
- Ask the production contact (whose name and email is listed in your invite email notification - see image below) to confirm the email address your Invite was sent to, and that your email address was spelled correctly!
- Invites should be sent to an email address that is listed in your TiM Account Settings (see above).
- If you suspect that you might have duplicate TiM Accounts, please Contact TiM Support for assistance.
- Production can resend the Invite to a different address to ensure the Project successfully connects to your TiM Account.
If you're a Company Admin, you can access new Projects from your Company Account instead of "My Productions."
- Company Admins do not need to be invited to every Project. Instead, Admins can access any Project housed within a Company Account via the Company dashboard:
- Select "Company Account" from the header.
- Select the Company Name from the drop down.
- Click into the new Project from the Company dashboard.
- For Company Admins, new Projects will be listed under "My Productions" once they've clicked into the Project for the first time.
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