With TiM, not only can you export and download completed Startwork, you can also generate and export report spreadsheets to summarize key onboarding data!
Please NOTE: Currently in TiM it is not possible to create custom reports. You can always copy/paste data from one report onto another! Or, if the data point you need is not mentioned on one of the lists below, feel free to contact TiM Support to request a custom report to be generated.
Types of reports that can be exported from TiM
Payroll Bible Report
- an XLS that displays the following data points for each employee:
- Last Name (if the user has created their TiM Account)
- First Name (if the user has created their TiM Account)
- Department
- Position (Job Description)
- Startwork status
- Start Date
- Last four digits of the Social Security Number
- Union / Local #
- Account Codes (if entered, separated by type, ie: Labor, Occ, Allowance Codes)
- Rate (columns separated by type, ie: Hourly Rate vs. Weekly Rate, etc.)
- Guarantee
- Box Kit and Allowances (columns separated by type, ie: Box Kit Rental vs. Car Allowance vs. Per Diem, etc.)
- Loan-Out Company Name (if applicable)
- Notes for Payroll Bible (if entered)
See: How to download a Payroll Bible Report
Crewlist Report
- an XLS that displays the following data points for each employee:
- Employee First, Middle, and Last Name (if the user has created their TiM Account)
- Screen Credit Name (if provided)
- Department
- Position (Job Description)
- Start Date
- End Date
- Phone Number (if shared)
- Email Address (if shared)
- Mailing Address
- Tax Address
- Loan-Out Company Name (if applicable)
- Loan-Out Company Business Address (if applicable)
- Emergency Contact Name, Phone, and Relation
- Startwork status
- Startwork Type (ie: name of packet)
- State/Province of Residence (separated by country, if applicable)
- Work State(s)/Province(s) (separated by country, if applicable)
- Dietary Restrictions
- Allergies
- Shoe Size
- T-Shirt Size
See: How to download a Crewlist Report
Showbiz Crew Card Export
- a CSV that displays the following data points for each employee:
- Employee ID & Crew ID (used in the TiM to Showbiz API, not something most productions need)
- Project Name / Picture Title
- TiM Company Account Name (typically the parent company name)
- Production Entity Name (typically a subsidiary associated with the Project)
- Employee First and Last Name (if the user has created their TiM Account)
- Department
- Position (Job Description)
- Last four of Social Security Number
- Start Date
- Union / Local #
- Account Codes (if entered, separated by type, ie: Labor, Occ, Allowance Codes)
- Rate (columns separated by type, ie: Hourly Rate vs. Weekly Rate, etc.)
- Guarantee
- Loan-Out Company Name (if applicable)
- Loan-Out Company FEIN (if applicable)
- Box Kit and Allowances (columns separated by type, ie: Box Kit Rental vs. Car Allowance vs. Per Diem, etc.)
- Notes for Payroll Bible (if entered)
- Email Address
- Phone Number
- I-9 Note (ie: the status of the employee's I-9, if it's verified yet or not)
- Startwork status
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