How you edit employment information depends on the status of the employee's Startwork.
You can check an employee's Startwork status from Crew Management.
If the Startwork is not yet submitted, IE the status in Crew Management reads "Invite Sent on [date], waiting for employee", or "I-9 submitted, packet not submitted":
- For instructions, see: Employment Details need to be edited (Startwork is not yet submitted)
If the Startwork has been submitted but is not yet approved, IE the status in Crew Management reads "Packet submitted, pending approval":
- For instructions, see: Correcting Startwork after it's been submitted
If the Startwork is submitted and Fully Approved, IE the status in Crew Management reads "Packet approved":
If Startwork has been Fully Approved, the packet cannot be edited nor can it be "shredded."
If the approved packet contains incorrect information, you can initiate a Job Change from Crew Management.
- For instructions, see: How to initiate a Job Change (terms of employment are changing)
NOTE: Removing an employee from a Project will not "shred" their original packet, it will only remove the employee's access to that Project within TiM. To completely clear an employee's record you must delete the Invite before the Startwork is Fully Approved. For more info, see: What it means to remove a crewmember from a production
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