What is a Company Admin?
A Company Admin is anyone with access to a TiM Company Account (a.k.a. the Company level).
There are two types of Admins: Company Admins and Master Company Admins.
The only differences between the two is that a Master Company Admin cannot be deleted from a Company Account and is the only Admin who can remove other Admins from the Account. This ensures that there is one Admin in charge of all other Admins' access and that at least one Admin is associated with a Company Account at all times.
Email support@hellotim.com if you need to switch Master Company Admins.
Who should be a Company Admin?
Anyone who will need to access or manage the Projects, data, or library of Forms and Packets of your TiM Company Account, like an EIC, staff accountant, or staff of your production company.
We strongly recommend assigning your Master Company Admin to a permanent member of your production company's staff, so that as freelancers come and go, there is someone consistently managing your TiM Company Account.
If you're working with a freelancer who only needs access to one or a few of your Company Account's Projects, we suggest inviting them directly to each Project as opposed to inviting them as a Company Admin.
For more info, see: How do I connect a new team member?
What can a Company Admin do?
At the Company level, Company Admins can:
- Create new Productions.
- Access any Production within the Company Account (and all the data within).
- Create and edit Company Forms and Packets.
- Edit Company Account general and billing information.
- Access Company Account reports.
- Edit their own Employment Details and Permissions.
An Admin's Company-level abilities cannot be changed or limited.
Within each Project, an Admin has full Permissions by default. You can edit these Project-level Permissions from a Project's Crew Management.
For more info, see: Understanding Permissions in TiM
How do I establish someone as a Company Admin?
You simply send them an Invite!
- For instructions, see: How to invite Company Admins to your TiM Company Account
FYI: Company Admins do not need to be invited to each Project. Company Admins will automatically have access to every Project within a Company Account. A Company Admin's record will automatically appear on a Project's Crew List once they've clicked into that Project for the first time. Not every Company Admin will be managing every Project within a Company, so Company Admins are not added to a Project's Crew List and Crew Management areas until they click into the Project, to avoid listing superfluous Admins on a Project.
Do Company Admins need Startwork?
That's up to the production company. By default, TiM will not prompt a Company Admin complete Startwork for a Project they've accessed. If you need to send a Company Admin Startwork for a Project, go to Crew Management and click "Send Startwork" to the right of their name. If you don't see their name, send them a No Startwork Invite or ask them to click into the Project.
Read Next: How to invite Company Admins to your TiM Company Account
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