So! You've activated your TiM Company Account and completed your Company Info. Maybe you've built some Company Forms within your Company Library. Great job! Now it's time to Create a Project!
Please note, only Company Admins have the ability to create new Projects.
Pro Tip: Once a Project is created, any Project-level team member with Edit: Startwork Templates Permission can proceed to set up the Project, so Admins can feel free to delegate that larger task to Project-level team members.
Step 1. Create Production
- Select "Company Account" from the header.
- From the drop down, select the Company Account where this new Project should be housed.
- From the Company Account dashboard, select "Create Production." This will open New Production Info.
Troubleshooting Tip: If you do not see the Company listed in the "Company Account" drop down, it means you haven't been Invited as a Company Admin yet. Ask a colleague to send you a Company Admin Invite via the email address registered to your TiM Account.
Step 2. Complete New Production Info
- Within New Production Info, enter all the information for your Project (see detailed guidance below).
- Once your Project's Production Info is complete, click "Save."
Please note, Production Info is required to be completed each time a new Project is created in TiM. The information entered in Production Info should pertain to the particular Project, because it will used to pre-populate onto Startwork documents submitted for the Project.
Production Information:
Project Name / Picture Title
The name of your Project, how you'd like it to appear on Startwork documents.
The country where your Project is shooting in.
Please note, currently in TiM a Project cannot be set up to manage Startwork for multiple countries. If your Project is shooting internationally, please set up separate Projects per country. Contact if you need any assistance.
Production Entity Name
The Production Entity Name (ie: production company name) that should appear on Startwork Documents.
Pro Tip: By default, the name of your TiM Company Account will appear in the "Production Entity Name" field. If a different company name should populate on Startwork packets, such as a subsidiary or LLC, simply delete the default company name and enter the production company name that should populate.
Production Entity FEIN (optional)
The FEIN assigned to this Project's Production Entity.
Production Type
What kind of Project this is. (Used for internal TiM purposes only.)
# of Employees
How many employees you anticipate onboarding to this Project. (Used for internal TiM purposes only.)
Time Zone
The primary time zone for this Project.
Project # / Job Code
If your Project has been assigned a Project Number, Job Code, Show Number, Production Number, or anything similar, by your producing entity or by payroll, enter that number here so it can populate onto Startwork documents if necessary.
Location Code
If your Project has been assigned a Location Code by your producing entity or by payroll, enter that number here so it can populate onto Startwork documents if necessary.
Pay Frequency
On what schedule your employees will be paid. This information will be used to populate WTPA notices, for example.
Designated Pay Day
On what day of the week your employees will receive their payment. This information will be used to populate WTPA notices, for example.
Work Location(s):
The states or provinces where employees will be working in for this Project.
TiM will use work location information for a number of functions, including streamlining the invite process.
Once you add work locations, another field will appear which asks which locations should appear on Invites by default. Locations listed in this second field will appear by default on all Invites created going forward. Of course, Work Location(s) can be removed or changed on the fly within an Invite, providing flexibility to accommodate hires in unexpected places.
For more information, see: Work State Functionality (Phase One) is here!
Production Office Info:
This information should pertain to your Project's production office, not the production company.
Production Contact:
Payroll Company/ Employer of Record:
This information pertains to your Payroll Company or Employer of Record, and will be populated onto Startwork documents.
Please note, this is not Production Office info, and not Production Company info. Contact your payroll company to confirm what information to enter for your Project.
Pro Tip: Your Payroll Company/ Employer of Record information can be entered and stored within Company Information, so when you create a new Project, you can just select "Copy from Company Info" to complete this section!
Non-Union Payroll Entity
The Payroll Entity or Employer of Record Name that needs to appear on Startwork documents for Non-Union hires.
Contact your payroll company to confirm what information to enter for your Project.
Union Payroll Entity
The Payroll Entity or Employer of Record Name that needs to appear on Startwork documents for Union hires.
Contact your payroll company to confirm what information to enter for your Project.
If you are not hiring Union employees, select the checkbox next to "N/A".
Payroll Company Address
The Payroll Entity or Employer of Record Address that needs to appear on Startwork documents.
Please note, this is not the Production Office address, and not the Production Company address. Contact your payroll company if you do not know which address to use.
Pro Tip for Media Services clients only: Select "(Use Media Services NY Address)" if your paymaster is located in New York, or "(Use Media Services CA Address)" if your paymaster is located in California, and TiM will auto-populate the proper address information!
Payroll Company Contact Info
Your Payroll Company's Contact Info is forward-facing to anyone connected to the Project in TiM. Employees typically need to reference Payroll Company and Employer of Record information to file for unemployment, or to follow up about payment-related questions.
Contact your payroll company to confirm what information to enter for your Project.
Paymaster Email Addresses
The email address of the person provided to you by the Payroll Company, who will need to receive payroll-related Startwork documents to processes your production's payroll.
When exporting to Payroll, TiM will default to use the Paymaster Email Addresses listed here.
Contact your payroll company to confirm which email addresses should be used to export Startwork, most likely it is the email addresses of your paymasters.
For more info, see: How to update your Paymaster Email Addresses
Pro Tip: You can add multiple email addresses by separating them with a comma (ex:,,
Pick Up Code for Payroll Coord/Paymaster (Non-Media Services clients only):
A Pick Up Code is a password that a batch recipient is required to enter to be able to download a batch of Startwork. Requiring a Pick Up Code ensures that only intended recipients can download completed Startwork documents. A Pick Up Code can be any combination of letters, numbers, or characters.
TiM does not automatically relay Pick Up Codes to recipients. Production should securely relay Pick Up Codes to recipients outside of TiM.
NOTE: Media Services clients do not need to use nor have access to Pick Up Code functionality.
For more information, see: What is a Pick Up Code?
Payroll Company Phone
The phone number of your Payroll Company or Employer of Record. This phone number will be forward-facing to anyone connected to this Project in TIM.
Contact your payroll company to confirm what phone number to enter for your Project.
Read Next*: How to set up a new Project
*If you are currently working with TiM Setup we will work with you to set up your new Project during your Forms Follow Up screen share.
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