Sign Up, Log In, & Account Settings FAQs
- Forgot your password?
- I haven't received the SMS / text message with my MFA code
- I can't change the phone number to receive a MFA verification code. What do I do?
- I haven't received the phone call with my MFA code
- Why am I being asked to reset my password?
- What is Multifactor Authentication (MFA)?
- What is Okta?
- What applications can my Okta account be connected to?
- I can't receive a password reset link because I don't have access to that email inbox. What do I do?
- What's the difference between my Primary Email Address and Alternate Email Addresses?
- What email address should I use as my Primary Email Address?
- I signed up with an old email address. Can I update my Account with a new email address?
- I already have a TiM Account registered to an old production-provided email that I no longer have access to. What do I do?
- What is the difference between the email listed in My Profile vs. the emails listed in my Account Settings?
- I already have a TiM Account, production Invited me with a different email, and I can't change the pre-populated email to log in! Help!